Nationwide Merchant Services Payment Processing Solutions

At USCARDPAY, we offer cost-effective processing solutions for all business types to minimize their processing costs while increasing their margins. This is done through boarding each merchant on interchange pass-thru pricing and eliminating all hidden fees typically associated with a traditional merchant account. We can board most merchant industries and offer state of the art processing solutions 

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The Customers We Serve

Since 2008, we’ve been setting up businesses of all sizes and industries with credit card processing services, including those for:

  • Nationwide (All Merchant Types & Sizes)
  • Retail Brick and Mortar
  • E-Commerce (Websites)
  • Moto (Keyed) 
Wholesale Interchange Pricing Advantages

Wholesale Interchange Pricing Advantages

Get the most competitive rates for your payment processing needs. We make this possible via our wholesale interchange pricing model. DURBIN PRICING on DEBIT Transactions. No Mid Qual or Non Qual. NO HIDDEN FEES.

Dedicated Relationship Management

Dedicated Relationship Management

Rely on our dedicated account managers for assistance. Receive personalized support via a direct line to professionals who understand your business and your unique needs.

No-Cost Rate Comparison

No-Cost Rate Comparison

We offer a no-cost rate comparison to help you determine if you're getting the best deal on your payment processing services. Let us show you how to save money and improve the overall payment experience.

Multiple System Coverage

Multiple System Coverage

Our comprehensive solutions enable the acceptance of major credit and debit cards and digital payment options. This covers everything from payment gateways and point-of-sale systems to mobile payment solutions.

Get Started Today

Don't miss out on the benefits of partnering with USCARDPAY. Our solutions can help your business thrive. Begin your journey to a more efficient and enjoyable payment processing system.